DEVELOPING: Chelsea Manning Has Been Remanded into Federal Custody for Her Refusal to Provide Testimony to a Grand Jury in the Eastern District of Virginia


Andy Stepanian, 631.291.3010,
Chelsea Manning’s Support Team:

DEVELOPING: Chelsea Manning Has Been Remanded into Federal Custody for Her Refusal to Provide Testimony to a Grand Jury in the Eastern District of Virginia  

Statement From Chelsea’s Support Committee Forthcoming 

Alexandria, VA — On Wednesday March 6, 2019 Chelsea Manning appeared before a Federal Grand Jury in the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) and refused to answer questions from prosecutors regarding the release of information she disclosed to the public in 2010.  Chelsea invoked her 1st, 4th, and 6th Amendment protections to provide just cause for her refusal. This morning Chelsea returned to the court for a hearing wherein Judge Hilton found Chelsea in contempt and remanded her into federal custody stating that the length of Chelsea’s detention will be “until she purges or the end of the life of the grand jury.”

Chelsea’s support committee will issue a statement in response to these developments shortly.


Chelsea Manning is represented by Moira Meltzer-Cohen, appellate attorney Vincent Ward, and local counsel Chris Leibig and Sandra Freeman.

All are encouraged to support Chelsea any way they can.  To learn more about Chelsea Resists or to donate to Chelsea’s legal defense visit:

Questions regarding Chelsea Manning’s support committee should be directed

Christina DiPasquale