National Hispanic Media Coalition:
standing up for latinos in the entertainment industry

The National Hispanic Media Coalition made headlines when the organization formed a new partnership to strengthen its Latinx TV Writers Program and demanded new diversity commitments from major film studios. 

Ahead of this year’s Oscars, as reported by the Associated Press and in over 100 outlets, NHMC joined the Multi-Ethnic Media Coalition to announce that they would meet executives at the top 6 film studios to increase diversity behind and in front of the camera. 

NHMC's TV Writers Program builds on the work that the National Hispanic Media Coalition led to increase Latinos in television. “If TV looks far more diverse today than film, it’s due in large part to the work of Nogales and his colleagues,” wrote Gendy Alimurung for the Washington Post

In Huffington Post, Alex Nogales made the point: “The issue of diversity in entertainment can no longer be a black—white dialogue. It has to include Latinos, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and women. Every community has its creatives and we gather at the Impact Awards to honor ours and inspire more.” 

Alex Nogales spoke on air to NBC Los Angeles and PBS Newshour ahead of NHMC’s Impact Awards Gala to describe the problem: “The jobs are not there because the people at the very top are not making the decisions that are ones of inclusion.”